Research Related to Government and Society's Well-being Crime Effects of Family Structure on Crime Effects of Fatherless Families on Crime Rates Effects of Maternal Attachment on Crime Rates Effects of Community Environment on Juvenile Crime Rates Effects of Parental Discipline on Juvenile Crime Rates Effects of Criminal Parents on Children Effects of Parents on Crime Rates Effects of Family Structure on Female Crime Rates Effects of Child Abuse on Crime Rates Effects of Sexual Businesses on Society Pornography and Sexual Offense Abuse Child Abuse in the United States Demographics of Child Abuse Effects of Child Abuse on Crime Rates Effects of Community Environment on Child Abuse Effects of Abuse on Children Effects of Family Structure on Child Abuse Link Between Family Structure and Child Abuse Education Effects of Marriage on Children's Education Effects of Family Structure on Children's Education Effects of Divorce on Children's Education Effects of Religious Practice on Education Economy Effects of Family Structure on the Economy Effects of Family Structure on Government Dependency Effects of Religious Practice on Poor Communities Effects of Family Structure on Poverty Effects of Family Structure on Income Effects of Marriage on Child Poverty Effects of Single Parents on Poverty Effects of Out-of-Wedlock Births on Poverty Effects of Marriage on Workforce Participation Religion Effects of Religious Practice on Society Effects of Religious Practice on Education Effects of Religious Practice on Health Effects of Religious Practice on Work Ethic Effects of Religious Practice on Poor Communities Effects of Religious Practice on Sexual Behavior Effects of Religious Practice on Substance Abuse Effects of Religious Practice on Family Relationships Effects of Religious Practice on Marriage Health and Well-Being Effects of Family Structure on Children's Health Effects of Marriage on Physical Health Biology of the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Effects of Marriage on Mental Health Effects of Divorce on Children's Health Effects of Divorce on Children's Behavior Effects of Divorce on Children's Sexual Activity Effects of Family Structure on Teen Pregnancies Effects of Divorce on Children's Social Skills Effects of Pregnancy on Breast Cancer Risks Effects of Breastfeeding on Breast Cancer Effects of Miscarriage on Breast Cancer Risks Effects of Family Structure on Healthcare Coverage Effects of Religious Practice on Health Effects of Religious Practice on Substance Abuse Neurological Effects of Pornography Effects of Pornography Abortion Effects of Abortion on the U.S. Population Biology of the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Effects of Pregnancy on Breast Cancer Risks Effects of Breastfeeding on Breast Cancer Effects of Miscarriage on Breast Cancer Risks Abortion and Breast Cancer Link Common Problems in Abortion-Breast Cancer Studies Reporting Bias in Abortion-Breast Cancer Studies Studies on the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Studies that Confirm the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Studies that Deny the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Effects of Abortion on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Effects of Abortion on the Economy Pornography Effects of Pornography Pornography and Sexual Offense Neurological Effects of Pornography Pornography Objectifies Women Effects of Pornography on Adolescents Effects of Pornography on Men versus Women Effects of Pornography on Marriage Effects of Pornography on Sexual Practices Effects of Media Pornography on Children Adoption Benefits of Adoption Adoption Outcomes Effects of Adoption on the Child’s Education Effects of Adoption on the Child’s Health Effects of Adoption on the Child’s Social Adjustment Effects of Adoption on Family Relationships The Need for Adoption Adoptee’s Search for Biological Parents Barriers to Adoption in the United States Barriers to Black Children in Adoption Government's Approach to Adoption Parents Wanting to Adopt