About Marripedia
MARRIpedia is an online social science encyclopedia on all matters related to family, marriage, religion, and sexuality. It synthesizes and translates the work of myriad social scientists into concise, issue-specific entries that are intelligible to the lay reader. As research continues to emerge on the intricate relationships of family and religion within society, MARRIpedia continuously consolidates that research in pertinent entries. The numerous cross-links illustrate the overlap of family, religion and a vast array of issues —such as education, the economy, poverty, crime, and abuse.
The purpose of MARRIpedia is to let the data do the talking. We hope to facilitate societal changes by delivering the power of robust social science findings to the actors in families, churches, schools, and other “people-forming” institutions. Thus informed, citizens can effect changes for the good. MARRIpedia is an important resource for any student, parent, policy maker, reporter or blogger who wants to become an informed and proactive player in improving society.